Pluto in Aquarius – Neptune – Uranus
Transiting Pluto after its long journey in Capricorn will be entering a new phase on its journey around the zodiac.
On January 21st 2024 besides the transiting Sun being at zero degrees so will transiting Pluto also be at zero degrees and entering into Aquarius the sign of the humanitarian where its passage will take about twenty years to complete with only a brief couple of months in late 2024 a retrograde period back into Capricorn before continuing on its sojourn.
No doubt a lot will happen during this timeframe with it adding to humanities present evolutionary period and this will become even more noticeable when transiting Neptune enters the sign of Aries being the first sign of the whole twelve signs of the zodiac and one out of a great year to do with the vernal and precession of the equinoxes. It will enter into Aries at the end of March 2025 to about mid October 2025 and then retrograde back into Pisces for about three months before entering back into Aries on 27th Jan 2026 for the rest of its sojourn through that sign which will take close to thirteen years indicating a time of new initiatives and pioneering to do with things which come under Neptune rulerships.
Then you have transiting Uranus the personality ruler of Aquarius and the spiritual ruler of Aries entering Gemini in May 2026 for its seven year passage. During that time there’s also transiting Saturn on its two and a half year passage through a sign where it will be entering Aries as well in February 2026 to add to the mix.
This shift in consciousness as it could be termed, and as symbolized by those outer planets moving out of their long stays in the “Earth and Water” signs into a new mix of the “Air and Fire” signs all under the Aquarian banner do highlight indeed a noticeable reference point of change and further signs of growth in the course of our planet and its inhabitants destiny.
For further insight look to your charts for where those planets and signs are and will be and plot their course over that time for providing direction and developments in realisation of aims and plans. If you have those planets in your natal chart in Gemini, or Libra, or Scorpio, or in Sagittarius, indicates more so a time where you can really make good use of that planetary shift and period through making the most and planning out how to create benefit for not only yourself and others close to you but also on a larger scale society in general.
Getting back to Pluto in Aquarius as that is really where the foundation building or base of this new humanitarian theme starts and is the first to happen—it can help to be aware and mindful in watching how the Pluto in Aquarian theme plays out in not only by noticing Pluto levels how they show in society, such as for example on the lower levels we are seeing the never ending saga of wars and unrest and inequalities going on still, but also to do with the higher more positive levels in regards to society and one’s own personal life and connections to others one has.
What we can do in order to get a more detached and clearer view of it, we can look to our astrology chart(s) to help us and note what house(s) Pluto will be transiting through and track its degrees through using the 2.5 degree duads to notice the subtle shifts it makes as it goes through Aquarius. In addition there is also the added benefit of noting Pluto and the sign of Aquarius natural “ personality and soul and spiritual ” rulerships.
So what might some of the things we would be looking for example with Pluto as it transits through Aquarius. It tells us there is going to be a deepening of humanitarian or social consciousness and hence values and beliefs, with cultural awakenings, and disruptions, as people come to terms more with this new theme and the Aquarian ideals begin to surface from out of the collective psyche and oversoul of humanity and subtle shifts on each of the physical, and emotional, and mental, and spiritual planes of consciousness take place over this long period.
Pluto creativity at one of its highest levels and where it does the most good is the integration of the power to heal and see deeply into things. It renews life where it is needed so much in order that something, or someone, or some group, or entity for example is able to become more deeply and acutely aware of the quality or makings that sustain and bring forth new life—it shows what it takes to transform it and take the human experience for example to new heights of consciousness where before nothing was thought to exist and the doors were closed and hidden unbeknown to the person before encountering a Pluto experience with a degree of deep empowering illumination attached to it.
On the “personality and soul and spiritual” levels Pluto has an affinity with the signs of Scorpio the transformer, and Capricorn the builder of form, and Pisces the sign of the healer. To the soul this is the secret to its being able to transform itself—which it does through the bridging of the lower mind being the mind of reason and logic and the higher abstract mind where conceptual thinking takes place, whereupon its able to once the foundation of this bridge of more powerful electromagnetic frequencies of soul light consciousness is built—to cross over and enter the more subtle worlds of mind and develop the higher mind further through learnings and teachings and the wisdom experiences it encounters in that process of development and eventual meeting and infusion unbeknown to it up to that point of its creator—being its spirit the core essence of the soul’s life force and vitality, and integration of its spiritual awareness and light into the auric envelope that makes up the subtle bodies and surrounds the physical body. Pluto on the metaphysical level rules this whole process at the molecular and subatomic level to do with the healthy expression of the soul as it comes to accommodate the infusion of those more powerful and charged electromagnetic frequencies that belong to and make up the more subtle worlds of soul life.
For the sign of Aquarius its natural planetary rulers of the “personality, and soul, and spiritual” aspects of consciousness are denoted by the planets Uranus (modern day ruler) and Jupiter, and the Moon.
With Uranus on the personality level the humanitarian themes are noticeably expressions where for example there’s the need for change to take place, and where freedom and humanitarian responsibilities is emphasized. Protests and demonstrations are an example that focuses on the humanitarian causes to do with the Earth and in different countries cultures as they seek greater equality and autonomy, and where greater awareness is fostered regarding the implications of future developments as social values are tested and remodelled to meet the growing needs of society and its values. This is happening already such as the advancements in new technologies we are seeing today as in the crypto revolution and the new levels of block chain and web 3.0 for example and with the innovation of further developments in AI technologies that in a way are serving to accommodate as a result for the extra electromagnetic currents of power being introduced through these humanitarian themes and where awakenings take place that emphasize the introduction of new initiatives and innovations. This will also become more noticeable on the mental plane of consciousness with communications avenues increasing and new technologies and educational themes become more grounded and more the norm when transiting Uranus transits through Gemini.
It does well to bear in mind that the shift in consciousness not only takes place on the physical plane but on the emotional, and mental, and spiritual planes of consciousness as well, albeit gradually but at the same time, as the different electromagnetic frequencies and vibrations that make up the substance of the matter of each of those planes are all integrated and tied into together and don’t work independent of each other. What we see in the physical world as represented by all the new technologies also has under the law of correspondences the equivalent on these other planes. The subtle or mental body of the mind gets more infused and the other subtle bodies electromagnetic currents increase as well, which has an effect on each of the chakras and the different kundalinis that keep the whole subtle anatomy running smoothly and healthy.
On the soul level the natural planetary ruler of Aquarius is Jupiter, so it first off denotes or entails a more subtle awareness of society and oneself where Jupiter is placed in the chart and transiting through—of the growth and teachings we learn from life in the experiences of “unity and wisdom” as that is what the human understanding is or what is arrived at through living a life of soul infusion. The human nature is far more apt to be in a healthier and more harmonious state of flow and expression when body, mind, and soul or the physical, and emotional, and mental, and spiritual currents of a person are all in unison, which means the electromagnetic currents that make up those aspects of consciousness and matter are flowing smoothly and being beautifully expressed as a unified whole.
On the spiritual level the natural planetary ruler of Aquarius is the Moon. So one would look out for Moon-soul nurturing and care, however to do with or through if you like spiritual type of things to do with the public and the individual in terms of Aquarian/humanitarian and societal themes, where spiritual input happens, or is needed, or displayed in relation to primarily eleventh house matters, and also in connections to do with spiritual input from the other houses and planets that have a relationship pertaining to or coming from spiritual Moon things and expressions. The Moon on the spiritual level serves to guide and care for or nurture whenever the soul undertakes a spiritual initiative or rebirthing process, which on a larger scale applies the same to a group, or culture, or country, indeed even to the oversoul of humanity.
To better understand first-hand how this shift works for you on a personal level it can help to note in your chart(s) where those three planets are and what areas they are transiting and connected with in other parts of the chart, and also what the houses are to do with the signs which are on them in the chart —as that will help to build a soul base of understanding and knowledge and also help as a way to personally create and plan for in utilizing and making the most of those electromagnetic currents during that time as symbolised by those planetary events of new awakenings and changes humanity is set to pass through in that period.