Lesson Icon 1d - CopyDay 4: Interpreting Charts Together


In today’s module for we are going to see how to interpret two charts together, or a series of charts. In module six we cover charts types however for the interpretation of charts together it fits better with this module as you will already know how to do some interpretation methods which will be useful for you in the modules to follow.

Interpreting more than one chart ensemble is the next step in interpretation once you've got the gist of interpreting your Natal chart. It's a little bit more advanced but not too difficult to understand as you shall see as we go through the module.

The important thing to remember when interpreting two charts or a series of them together is that there first off needs to be a “foundation chart” and quite often this is the Natal chart as almost all charts are derived from this standard chart which in a way serves as the basis for the other chart types to refer back to when interpreting them. But that's where it stops as each new chart symbolizes a different part of your DNA and shows progress and evolvement you could say as well, which indicate different parts of yourself and even highlight current situations and future trends and stages to come. So each chart has its own interpretation by itself however if you want to glean information from it more clearly, connect it with a foundation chart.

Two charts which are fairly common to interpret together are the Natal and Progressed charts. In  http://www.astro.com/horoscope provision is made where you can do both a progressed chart on its own and one where the progressed planets are on the outside of the natal chart wheel. In both cases the planets and signs are the same however the progressed houses change which means there is an order in how to interpret the progressions.


Solar Return Chart

Before we go into the interpretation of the natal and progressed chart now is a good time to mention the solar return chart.

Another main chart of importance which the Astrologer uses is the “solar return” which depicts the Sun when it returns back to its position at birth each year, along with the other planets transits at that time. It describes the theme for the year—so it gives insight as to what lies ahead in terms of how to best utilize the planetary electromagnetic quantum shown in the chart.

It can be read alone and also in conjunction with the natal chart which typically shows the solar return with houses on the outside of the natal wheel in Astro.com software. In addition to add an extra dimension a solar return chart can be created to go with the progressed chart, which all you do in “astro.com” is bring up your progressed chart and save it to your “my astro” data list, then bring that same chart up and do a solar return with houses on the outside for that one as well.

Solar returns are very handy as with the information from them such as goals and useful insights about the areas of life for example can be planned ahead even years ahead as far as you like.

When a series of solar return charts is created the idea is to look for patterns and especially at first note the trend of the Sun and then any other planets you want to focus on in terms of future personal development aims for instance, or direction, and other things that show where a concrete path or outlet for each planets expression is denoted. A normal pattern or trend of the Sun is that if can go through each of the elements signs and houses for two whole rounds depending on the location before then changing to the mutable signs and houses and so on—with the result important information can ascertained to do with this particular pattern in terms of appropriate timing and defining points which can indicate where change and progress and choices can be made and are likely to happen—such as when there’s planets on the angles and or have connections as shown in it having an important main aspect to the natal and progressed planets and other chart features.

The main thing to remember about the solar return is that its function is primarily to show a close up or snap shot of the year ahead, however also in relation to the natal and progressed positions it’s an indicator which really serve as the backdrop or underlying the yearly theme—so when looking at the planets and angles and other notable features in the solar return it always pays to be mindful that in order to see their deeper levels working, to link the planet or angle you are focussing on together with its position and sign and aspects in the natal and progressed charts. Casting a chart that has three wheels with the natal being the inner, and the progressed in the middle, and the solar return wheel on the outside is an ideal chart combo for helping to clarify and determine the interrelationship values and connections that lie hidden in each one and between them when ensemble.



This is the order in which the chart synthesis is made:

1. Natal Chart

2. Natal chart with progressed planets on the outside of it showing their progressed positions.

3. Progressed chart on its own which is a chart showing the progressed houses. They can reveal more information about the progressed planets and their house activities in the natal chart with progressed planets on the outside.

How they are interpreted is:

a) First to do your list of interpretation points, and zodiacal trails, and the charts features for your natal chart and use the 3 keyword interpretation technique of “what” and “how” and “why” for each of the planets, then b) It's simply a matter of doing the same for the progressed planets in your natal chart with the progressed planets on the outside circumference of it (which can be for any date, either past, or present, or future you want to look at) and doing a short list on what the new areas of life and signs are only for the progressed planets and adding that to their natal interpretations.


Natal and Progressed Chart Interpretation

So for example in your Natal chart you might have an 8th house Taurus with Mercury in it and on the outside of the wheel it may have progressed around to the 9th house and be in the sign of Gemini. This means the types of communication (Mercury ) in relation to achieving tangible results (Taurus) to do with shared resources (8th house) happens through being communicative and logical (Gemini ) in the area of things like higher education and publishing or travel (9th house) for example. You could also look where the ninth house natural ruling planet Jupiter is in the chart to see further what type of activities the communication channels are.

The progressed chart makes good sense to do, as it’s a reliable enough way to view over time one’s life journey both present and past. The things we do change as we grow older and with a little reflection and observation of the current things happening in one’s life or for any past or future trends the chart is able to identify it and correlate what we know or try to fathom about the experiences we encounter living life out.

Next is to do a progressed chart on its own as even though most of the planets will be in the same signs the areas of life in that chart will differ and will give you more information about those same planets in the houses and the activities of them in your natal/progressed chart. For example using our example of progressed Mercury in the ninth house of the progressed chart it may show the 8th house of the Natal chart has become the 7th house in the stand alone progressed chart. So you’re able to see that the progressed planet Mercury and the types of events to do with the ninth house (its progressed position in the natal chart) are the kind related to partnerships and seventh house matters. This gives a deeper insight into the progressed planets progressed position in the natal chart, and tells you a lot more about how to further utilize, and attract, and create those things you want to do in relation to that planets energies and your expression in the areas to do with its natal and progressed positions.

What we see is a two way interaction between the natal and progressions of the planets in the chart. Both support each other. In terms of the interpretation of the progressed planet and “the how”, and “the where” it expresses itself in the progressed chart on its own, and also in terms where it’s energies link in relation to its natal position and progressed position. The two charts allow one to see life from the start and also how one’s life has moved on and where one is now in terms of it being more to do with the expressions of the “how” and “where” and “what” in regards to the different types of planetary energies now being utilized in the present progressed chart.


* Note we have used the Natal chart as the foundation chart, however it may be a “relationship foundation chart”, or a “health chart”, or a “creativity chart” that you use as the foundation chart to progress the planets and move that area of life forward in which case the interpretation method is the same still.


 Natal and Progressed and Transits Interpretations

The third part to interpretation of a natal and progressed chart is the “planetary transits” which are the daily motion of the planets as they go through the signs and each house. Transits are recognized as triggers and activating agents and their purpose is for present day current focus and to assess future trends in relation to the natal and progressed chart. A transiting planet by sign and house will add an extra dimension to your progressed and natal charts in terms of what is coming in from another area of the chart into your progressed area and natal areas that you can further utilize.

With the transiting planets they go on the outside of the circle of any chart type and when put together with a combined natal/prog chart it turns the chart into a 3 dimensional design that has a threefold interpretation—or alternatively they can be read in conjunction with a single chart. It can make it easier however to first off put them in the natal/progressed chart furthest on the outside, as it will give you the bigger picture with the three types all together on the one chart. To avoid mistaken identity it also helps to put the transits in a different colour as Astro.com has done with their transits, as it makes it easier to see and interpret their meaning as well. With the transits added you virtually will now have to break the interpretation down and simplify it into three sets using the “three keys” we have designated for interpretation which are the planet, and the sign, and the house—for the natal, for the progressed, and for the transits.

To get the current transits you can either look up the ephemeris http://www.astro.com/horoscope has on their website, or better still you can create a new natal/progressed chart and progressed chart just on its own with the transits already done on it which is what we are going to do. But first we will take a look at the ephemeris.

Astro ActivityModule Four/Day 4 - Activity 1


a) Download the "Formula for Interpretation" file.

b) Next login to astro.com and on the main menu bar of the home page run your mouse over the tab that says “All about astrology” and under the ephemeris section click on the one that says “9000 years ephemeris” and when you arrive on that select the 20th or 21st century and click the year that corresponds with your year of birth and then go to the month and day of your birth. Looking at the planets daily motion for the month you can see how the quicker moving ones move through the month fairly quickly and as they go out the planets slow down until finally the outer planets especially Uranus and Neptune and Pluto hardly move at all. They can take years to go through a sign

b) Okay that’s a brief look at what an ephemeris and how it works. Now we want to create a chart with the transits on it so go to my astro back on the home page and once you have landed on the “chart creation page” in the chart window tab where it says Natal, progressed and transits—click that one on and you'll see that your natal chart comes up with the progressed and transiting planets which are in red on the outside for the current day in question.

The key to interpretation of the chart is to break it down into parts. Make it simple, create a list, use keywords, and you won't have loads of over flow of information which only clutter up the report and also take up more time than necessary.

Start with interpreting from the transit first on its own and then building the interpretation up piece by piece, by applying that interpretation to the progressed and natal interpretations. A good way to see the interpretation working is to visualize the transiting planets rays going out first and connecting with its rays in its position in the progressed and natal chart.

The key is to see the planets essential nature itself as remaining the same in its natal, its progressed, and its transiting role that way when looking at its different placements by sign and house you are able to see how it’s expresses itself in conjunction with the whole three placements.

Activity 2

1a) In this activity were going to print out a Natal chart with the progressed planets on the outside of the astrological wheel, plus a progressed chart on its own, plus one of the natal, and progressed and transits altogether on the same chart. See the screenshot below for how to do it. It's the same procedure as you did for a natal chart only in the charts selection window under the “progressions” section you'll see there is “natal and progressed”, click that one on, then go to the chart and you’ll see the progressed planets in green on the outside of the Natal wheel.

Print it out and remember to make it full scale so as you can put your aspect wheel in the middle. Then go back to the charts window selection again and choose the one that says “natal and progressed and transits”. Click it on and print that one out to.

Natal and Progressed Chart

2. Module 4 Day 4 Activity 2

b) For the progressed chart on its own go back to the chart selection page and in the same window with the types of charts selection click on “progressed chart” then click enter and it will take you to just a progressed chart on its own. Next with the three charts side by side you can see how the planets have progressed in the natal chart and in your progressed chart how they have changed houses. You can also see the natal and progressed and transits in the one chart.

2) Now in order to make it easier for your interpretation you’re going to create an outside wheel of the natural order signs. So you’ll need a few things to do this. You have your newNatal chart with the progressed planets in green around the outside of the signs—

a) Take your aspect wheel you made up before for your aspect chart, and keep it handy ready to put it on after in the centre—

b) Now cut the paper of your natal chart around the perimeter of its circumference and glue it or stick it onto a piece of cardboard thick enough so the chart doesn’t bend.

c) Next make another wheel wide enough so that it's about 20 mm or so at least wider than the wheel of your Natal/progressed chart. You can use a thinner piece of white cardboard paper for this one. On it draw the 12 signs with their 30° houses. Once that’s done put a whole in the centre and using a split pin put your aspect wheel in the middle on top of your natal/progressed chart and your outer wheel put it underneath the natal/progressed chart to join them altogether and so they can easily spin around.

* note you can even make another wheel to go on the outside of that one and stick cut out numbers on it so you can move them around to represent the houses of the progressed chart.

Natal Chart with Progressed Planets and Natural Order Wheel and House Number Wheel on the Outside.

3. Module 4 Day 4 Activity 3














Now you have the natural order chart on the outside that you can spin it around to any degree of the house to match up with your natal/prog chart and in the middle you can turn your aspect wheel around to get the aspects and also you can put the progressed houses on the outside wheel and in addition put them anywhere to experiment with. This makes it so much easier for interpretation. You also have your table of interpretation you can use to look at the ruling planets for each sign.

Activity 3

Paragraph Interpretation Wording

a) Now it’s time to do the interpretation by word. Using the “formula for interpretation” construct a paragraph for the progressed and natal positions of the planets.

b) Next add an interpretation for the transits.

c) Next once you have the formula part done, for the turning it into a written sentence form start with the transit keywords meaning first and add the progressed and natal keywords so that you end up with a paragraph.

*note: To glean further information you may want to search on the internet for extra information on the planet and sign and houses meanings.


