Day 1: Interpretation
There's a long way to interpret a chart—usually it can be confusing and it's easy to end up at dead ends with no interpretation having been achieved or making sense to say the least.
Interpretation is really the art of synthesis. It’s the other half of astrology and perhaps the most difficult but it can be the most revealing and exciting when the chart reveals its secrets and information is released and all put together so it comes out smoothly and accurately. Interpretation when done properly can inspire and is what takes the questions written in the symbolical language of the chart from the pure abstract into answers of common sense reality and meaning and makes it all come to life.
It’s the ability to transfer from the higher abstract conceptual thinking down into form and the beauty of deciphering and putting those higher mind awareness modes of thought and feeling into an intelligible comprehension of your unique make up and patterns of spiritual, emotional and mental and physical values in terms of what’s being deciphered from the chart.
Its process entails becoming experienced in using a combination of intuition, and analysis, and method, which looks at different parts of the chart and takes into account the various combinations and interactions between planets and signs, and houses, being the three key factors of the chart.
You will most probably develop your own particular way to interpret the various chart components over time, but for now what is presented here is basically a standard procedure that will enable you to establish a first basis for building your interpretation method on. In this module we will be going through some methods which have been made into very simple and easy techniques for learning the interpretation process.
So in all interpretation is the art of interpreting a chart using simple and easy to apply techniques—based on cultivation of the meanings of the planets and signs and houses—and furthermore to take the abstract design of the charts symbolical significance, and put it through a combination of logic and intuition, and imagination—and exercise that skill to bring down the story of the chart and communicate it into real life so you can uncover more about a situation and make it known or for any other of the innumerable reasons astrology is good for.
Chart Themes
Interpretation involves a number of things that need to be noted down and put into a certain order so that it becomes clear and precise in the mind. In this process it helps to first start off with making a list and noting down the main things in order to get a general overview of the main focus areas in the chart, and then go into the smaller details of those main things followed by any odd things that stand out on their own elsewhere in the chart. In this way it prevents getting bogged down in a synthesis process that leads nowhere and can become all muddled up due to the multitude of all the different things in the chart all requiring attention.
Reading a chart is a bit like creating a story. There is generally one thing that stands out straight away when you look at the chart. It’s the overall tone of the theme in general and it can show up a number of ways, in particular a group of planets in one section of the chart for example, that in further investigation has other planets leading to the main area. So for example, your main theme may be career, in which case there could be a significant amount of planets in the 10th house with aspects to other areas such as the 6th house and 7th house. It may also be connected to other key elements such as there could be other planets either side of the 10th house cusp making it significant and stand out even more so. The overall theme will point to something you can first straightaway pick up just by looking at the chart without thinking about it. The theme also stems from the type of chart it is which is another clue as to what the theme is about.
Sub-themes are related to the type of chart it is and also support the main theme. The difference is they can be different topics of subjects in other areas of the chart which is separate from the main area of life of the theme. The sub-themes describe additional things that can be connected with the main theme and their story is used for further exploring the main theme as well. A sub theme can be a few planets only, or one planet or maybe no planets in an area of life. They may also be found by looking at aspect patterns, or other celestial bodies, and also the minor planets which are more really planetary supporters if you like, that have their individual expression and place in the chart and can be very useful when included to help clarify a situation. It helps to use them sparingly however and add them to a chart from time to time only, as in a way they can represent different and new energies that correspond with subconscious forces within, that maybe due for recognition regarding some part of your life in an area of life pertaining to where they are positioned in the chart.
The key to sub themes is to look for the particular topic or subject on its own that stands out first, and once you have that look to see how it relates to the main theme and tone of the chart. For example if it’s a wealth chart then each sub-theme is related to wealth in some way and connects with the main focus of the chart where ever the group of planets are mostly concentrated.
Plotting Points
There are many ways to do a charts interpretation. One such way is it can be read like a story. The plot of the story can be discovered by noting wherever the planets are placed in the chart’s areas of life along with the signs. To find the plot in chart it’s important to look at each planets individual nature and next to each one note its keywords by sign and house and aspect and the degree it’s in.
Look at each planet as a character that helps to describe the events that unfold the plot in the chart.
The plot here again is in terms of the type of chart and in this case it's your natal chart you are doing so you would look at the overall life themes. However if it was a wealth foundation chart for instance, then that plot would be overlaid with the natal chart. In module six we will be looking more in depth at charts and what types they are but for now the main focus is on studying the various components of the different parts of the chart after the theme and sub-themes have been ascertained first in order to complete a more detailed list of interpretation.
Module Four/Day 1 - Activity 1
For this activity on a sheet of lined paper for compiling your interpretation list, work out first what your main theme is in your Natal chart and its sub themes. Be sure to cover all the planets in the chart. Some will be in groups while others may be on their own, or linked to an angle, or axis points. Everything we have so far covered in the modules can be used to ascertain the charts theme and sub-themes.
Activity 2
Make a list of the plot main points. When you have all of the keywords down and planets beside them write up a paragraph on the interpretation about the theme and story and when done look to see how you can further explore and find out more of the things in your life in the areas where the plot (planets) unfolds and to do with the theme.
- Module Four/ Day 1: Interpretation of Chart Themes
A list of points to use to ascertain chart themes and plots.