Day 5: Aspect Patterns and Design
Different Aspect Patterns
Aspect patterns are being introduced because it is handy to get further understanding in the value of aspects through not only their energetic degrees but also through the symbols and sacred geometry principles of astrology.
These patterns are the language of the subconscious and can precipitate the release of higher states of consciousness which elicits further information that can be very handy in investigation and analysis of the chart and gaining deeper insight and awareness from it in relation to something you want to find more out about.
Aspect patterns can be very strong archetypal energies that can bring to rise higher mind states that make one so much more aware of what’s happening due to the increased energy as defined by the combination of aspects involved to a much more acute level of awareness. They need to be explored and the key to their interpretation is to break the pattern down into its different aspects and then do a small interpretation for each aspect as there are so many planets involved it makes it a lot easier to synthesize. That then will provide enough information about the pattern to determine the manner of the energies expression and where the currents flow the strongest, and the direction, and type of currents they are.
One other thing about aspect patterns and synthesizing them is it helps to look for the main current so to speak where the energies can be most focused, or where they flow the strongest, or alternatively where they get blocked as then it’s usually the other energies even though they have their periphery circuits also flow into these main circuits.
So we will go through a list of the most common ones which define the shape planets can form. Each aspect pattern has its key to release its energy. Sometimes it’s necessary to look for a planet or natural ruling planet somewhere else in the chart that can serve as an active agent in support in some way towards directing and releasing the energies contained within the aspect pattern. That’s the secret to aspect patterns—looking for outside energies which create an outlet for the geometrical patterns forces apart from the obvious routes.
Sometimes it can be through a transit or it may be through another corresponding chart you will have to look in order to see if any planets link to that one. We will be going into chart technique as a separate topic in module six, but for now it's useful to know that what is contained in the astrological make up in one chart has its correspondence and relevance that can be read in other charts, and this happens even more so when the Natal chart is used as the foundation chart. Even other type foundation charts can reveal more information when connected and related back to the natal chart. We will go further into that in the chart section but for now let's look at the different aspect patterns. Please refer to the figure above for each aspect pattern’s geometrical design.
Kites are as the word says they look exactly like a kite. They are made up of a combination of three trines which is called a “grand trine” which forms the body of the kite, and two sextiles that form the top part of the kite, and which both together make a trine also. And finally running from the top of the apex to the bottom of the kite is the opposition.
The key for the main flow of energies for the kite is the main axis line that runs from top to bottom. You could say this is a conjunction/opposition line where beginnings and half phases take place. There is a lot more in reading a kite as well when looking at the 60° angles and the grand trine so it pays to study the pattern carefully and look at each part of the configuration in turn as it does in all aspect patterns and also where another outside aspect of a kind that compliments the pattern and strengthens it. So in the kites case it would be nice to use a square as an outside aspect in order to give the trines extra force or alternatively an aspect to the opposition would also help.
Tee Square
The T-square is made up of an opposition of 180° that’s composed of two squares of 90°. So here we have two squares and on the other half there is a missing leg which indicates more of a hidden energy relating to the house where the missing leg is, that can be perhaps be used and in addition offset by a trine or sextile from that side of the circle.
Grand Cross
A grand Cross is two oppositions made up of 4 squares. It shows the pattern of balanced challenge and can be a very strong source of intention and holds the key to interpretation of exactly where around the circle the major points of challenge and potential for great success can be realized. Here again if you have a grand square or grand trine in your chart look for a planetary aspect that can serve as an outlet for those strong patterns of energies. In this case it would be a trine or sextile to one or more of the points. So the house and the planet that makes the trine or sextile and its natural ruler would be the key to getting better value from the square’s activity.
Grand Trine
The grand trine is a big trine composed of three smaller trines of 120°. The key to a grand trine expression is to choose appropriate planets that make an aspect and links to the grand trine so its energies have an outlet that can be constructive and as a result work better. Even a square or opposition aspect to a grand trine can become a good outlet that provides a flow for the energies otherwise there is a tendency for the energies just to be a circuit within the parameters of the grand trine itself instead of being channeled into other areas. A sextile to a grand trine can show where channeling of the trines energies can be directed and accessed through.
The Yod
The Yod is composed of two quincunxes (150 degrees) with a sextile at the bottom, and an opposition which runs to the point at the apex. Here again we have the opposition as the main focal point and the 60° sextile as a base. The energies in this circuit are focused through the central axis and further energies released via the line from the 60° to the top along the quincunx. A planet at the base or aspect to a planet from the base would be a suitable means that would indicate a beginning in relation to the area of life in which those energies could be directed through the top of the pattern to the other area of life. The same could be said for a planet that is at the apex, its energy could be focused through connecting with the sextiles and also running through the central axis to the planet (s) if there is one or more at the base.
The Grand Sextile
The grand sextile is made up of six sextiles of 60° to which at each of the intersecting points, an opposition is formed making three oppositions as well. It's a regular hexagon and denotes the different flows of currents of energy in relation to the planets concerned with each having their beginnings and ending points typified by the opposition points in the pattern. This is a very strong configuration and if you look closely at the geometry you’ll notice that by focussing on the point in the centre where all the lines meet, that the image of all the lines reveals a cube, which is the secret to the grand sextiles expression, as it gives an added dimension to the currents and once again it can be useful to look for planets outside the pattern that link to it, so that the energies have a channel in which the currents can run in and out and around the circle.
The Mystic Rectangle
The mystic rectangle is composed of two sextiles and two trines whose points contain two diagonal oppositions as well. The pattern looks like an envelope and its meaning here again refers to the currents of energies which symbolize points of half way which can mark new beginnings shown by the diagonals and the connections between the two trine aspects.
Assessment of the situation between the two sextiles will add more information that can give insight about the trines and their support in beginnings. Once again it helps to have an outside influence coming from another planet that aspects to the configuration at any one or more of the points, so the currents can have extra expression and an outlet created for things in relation to whatever the areas of life are that connect with it.
Aspect Orbs
Aspect orbs are the degrees either side of the planet which determine the type of aspect and when it is working in the case of transits. For a conjunction, and square, and trine, and opposition the orb is 8 degrees either side of the planet. Sextiles are a common 6 degrees and when doing "transits" it’s very common to only allow 1.5°-1° or even 30 minutes is more precise before exact and about 30 min-1° past exact before the planet passes out of orb.
Module Three/Day 5 - Activity
* Download your aspect patterns samples
For the activity we are going to do an “aspect wheel” where each of the lines join all the others at a 30° angle around the wheel. (see photo below)
a) To do this print a new copy of your natal chart using the largest scale size so the white space in centre is as large as can be—next cut out a piece of fairly thick cardboard to fit the whitespace in the middle—then mark out using a compass protractor the degrees around the wheels edge like in the example displayed in 30° increments starting with 00° 30°, 60°, 90° and so forth. First do the five pointed star in the middle. For that measure out 36° around the circle and join the points at every 72° increments so that you end up with the 5 points. Or alternatively download and print out the aspect wheel—which means you will need to cut it out and simply stick it to a thicker piece of cardboard so it easy to turn around and doesn’t get crumpled when you do.
b) Next mark the aspects in degrees and then join the 30° marks up with each other in lines and there you have your aspect wheel. Simply put a small hole in the centre of it and also your chart that needs to pasted onto hard cardboard as well and then put a split pin through it and there you have a quick way of determining the aspects for each planet.
In the same photo you will notice on the outside of the aspect and chart wheel there is another white cardboard ring that has all the signs on it as well. This is a “natural order procession of the signs” and it’s a convenient way to ascertain the correspondence between your natal chart and the natural order chart.
If you note in the other photo it has been cut out like spokes in a wheel or alternatively you can simply cut out a circular piece of cardboard big enough but then it can only be pinned on the back of your natal chart cardboard cut out. All you do then is simply add it to your natal chart and aspect wheel cut out, and you'll find it comes in very handy in creative astrology interpretation by moving the two wheels around to different positions and getting a feel for the natural order of signs and your natal chart signs together, and also seeing the way the planets take on different meaning when they are moved around to different signs.
* Tip: You can even add another cut out of the houses around the outside of the natural order of signs cut out piece, and stick small numbered pieces of paper representing the houses on it, and play around with putting them both in and not in their natural order but anywhere around the cut out, to see what the interpretation is like by seeing a house and its connection with a sign in a new light. This can be very helpful when working out interpretations and future transits and any number of chart techniques such as using the progressed wheel on the outside or another type of chart. In module 4 this is explained in more detail.
The whole purpose of getting to know the energies of each aspect is to synchronise and connect with the planets via the aspects between the planets in the different areas of life. It’s wise to remember that these planets are in fact the symbols representing energies of very powerful forces and are there in your chart for you to discover within yourself if you are willing to take the time and explore them.
- Module Three/ Day 5: Aspect Wheel
Cut out of an aspect angle wheel showing all the aspects in degrees.
- Module 3: Day 5 Aspects Pattern Types
Shows the main types of aspects patterns commonly found in charts.
- Module Three: Day 5 Mystic Rectangle
A "Mystic Rectangle" aspect pattern.