The Astrology Chart and Life Plan
Are you interested and want to find out what your life plan is? Astrology is at its best an excellent personal development tool. While everything in the astrological chart has significance there are certain key parts that when put together can reveal and help you work out what your life plan is all about. Once you have those key parts you will have discovered the blueprint to do with your life purpose and meaning, and have a map to help guide you as you travel on your life journey— also to help keep you aligned to the main path of your life as you criss-cross it and explore new pathways and routes along way. Work out your life plan and you have effectively set a foundation for your life path to follow.
If you have made a plan for your life then inherently nine times out of ten so too your life path(s) or at least the way points are determined as a result. Having a good solid life plan that suits you down to the ground means you are actually creating your own future and aligning it with your goals in life and how to achieve a sense of fulfillment and better expression of your individual life destiny and evolutionary purpose which can all be very rewarding indeed.
The astrological natal and progressed chart is a unique map not only good for working out one’s life plan and its path but also for plotting its course and destination and tracking the changes that happen over the course of your lifetime. The natal chart is the foundation chart representing our “astrological D.N.A” you could say of our life—so that is the 1st chart we always start with when we want to start working out our life plan, while the other charts like the progressed, and solar, and transits are further variations and links to the natal chart as we progress through life over the years and on a daily basis. They represent the present and future plotting of our life course and can be used if you like as a news feed update to help determine how we are going along it and according to our life plan. So the natal chart defines the parameters of our life over a whole life time, whereas as the progressed chart shows the way points at certain points of our life, and solar and transits help define more clearly the yearly and daily focus of the journey, and how we are doing with respect to our life plan, and the changes of direction and in keeping to our main path or paths of each area of life as denoted by each of the twelve houses that make up the chart.
There are a number of key components each of which make up a part of the whole picture to understanding and how to furthermore plan out what our life path is in terms of the relative importance in achievement of the goals and successes—and also the development and fulfillment of the purpose we imbue into our life path, as a result of expression of personality, soul, and spiritual energies as they work out in our life through the “what” and “how” and “where” as represented by the planets and signs and the areas of life and the aspects that link them together.
If you’re looking to reach your goals successfully especially the most important ones and want to know how to work out your life plan and create a life path that expresses your soul purpose and other key elements in your astrology natal chart for determining a fulfilled life then read on.
Key elements which make up the foundation principles for working out your life plan
Life Plan: Legend of the Astrology Chart
Sun: Represents the inner core values of sense of self. That is one’s individuality, vitality, and self-identity at heart, and on a higher turn of the spiral the light and life that connects our spiritual being and wholeness to the universe and our identity with it. The sun symbolizes the creator or maker of all life and as such represents the primary source and inspiration for our life path, plan and guidance in actually living it. It provides the source for soul and personality.
Earth: Directly opposite the Sun (180 degrees) the Earth gives form to the sun’s life force. It denotes one’s worldly path of service to humanity. Necessary for the greater part of individual fulfillment, in your life plan it’s important to know where you can contribute to society and the group as a whole and this will be shown by the area of life in the chart where the Earth is placed along with any aspects. In addition look to wherever the planet and the house it’s in the chart that’s the natural ruler (ie the dispositor) of the sign on the cusp of the house that the Earth is in as that will add extra insight and support as to things to do with what your worldly path is about. Also further insight can be gained by considering the “Ascendant” as well as the “Moon” and its “Nodal axis” all in relation to the “Sun/Earth” axis.
The Sun with the Earth opposite it is the key to how better connect and express your creativity and manifest it through your path of Earth service and also how each of us can connect our Earth-liness with our spiritual life and light. This axis makes for the development of a self-identity on a larger scale because it attunes us to the humanitarian or service part of our nature and identity as a human and individual with a group and powerful Earth identity.
If looked as a combination in your chart the Sun and Moon and Ascendant all have something unique to offer. A wholesome expression is a more fulfilled one, it’s a more powerful one—service to humanity is a combination of “personality” and “soul” and “spiritual input”. It’s those qualities of one’s life that are always revealing and defining by their very nature a greater awareness of ones potentialities , and skills, and character traits, and direction regarding more about one’s actual material or physical path if you like of service to humanity.
Moon: Represents soul purpose, and security in the world. Our instinctual/intuitional/subconscious needs related to a deep sense of security and roots.
The natal moon on a higher level ( see table of planetary correspondences ) symbolizes the qualities of nurture and virtue of soul in connection with its work in social and humanitarian values in the world. Where it is in the progressed chart corresponds to its phase at the time and the evolving soul as the person goes through stages of life and cultivates as an end result each time from the awareness of those important life experiences the distilled values in this case of their moon’s spiritual aspect of love and wisdom.
The progressed moon introduces new life and rebirth of the soul at important times as denoted for example by the crossing over of the main axis lines in the chart the ASC/DC and the MC/IC, and to a lesser degree when it enters a new area of life symbolized by each house and any prominent aspects it makes which all further support its natal position and vice versa.
Moons Nodes: The North and South nodal axis or dragons head and tail
represent “directional skills”. The direction strongly relates to the moon.
The moon’s nodal axis refers to direction of soul purpose. The nodes are like two points of a triangle with the moon serving as the apex. Integration of the nodes gives direction and meaning that in turn helps create the next movements forward and clarifies the life path. On the soul level this releases feelings and nurturing which is what this triangle represents esoterically and this often happens when we find direction we find our feelings are heightened and our security needs that life requires us to meet are being met organically.
Note the signs the nodes are in and their signs natural planetary rulers (ie the dispositors of the nodes) where they are as that will tell you what to focus on for direction in relation to purpose represented by the moon and also what else lends additional support to your moon and greater expression of the things to do with the house it is located in your natal chart. Make a triangle between the moon and the nodal axis in terms of the three houses, and any key aspects, and any other configurations that connect to inform you of how better to decide on things related to those areas and give you a compass to navigate by.
The Ascendant (ASC): = An important birthing point in the chart the ascendant represents another form of self-identity—namely the personality the complimentary casing or persona which filters the soul and spiritual parts of one’s nature and gives an outlet for the individuality and sense of self ( ie: the sun) in relation to expression in the physical world with others, nature, and life in general. The word “Ascendance” can be taken to literally mean a “dawning” or that which represents something that is “rising” so it’s no surprise then that the ascendant is the most eastern point of the birth chart, represented by the rising sign and its natural planetary ruler (wherever it is in the chart,) and also any planets conjunct (within 8 degrees) of the cusp of the ascendant. The progressed ascendant shows the overlay of energies and changes that we adopt and seek to integrate and personify in our psyche as we go through life.
While the ascendant commonly denotes the personality expression characteristics and how we appear to others its inherent meaning which is really the fuel and driving power behind the individual personality is more related to an inner drive and purpose in what we seek to fulfill, strive to express and manifest or become from deep within us. It’s what ends up becoming manifest as a natural consequence of the work and initiative put into development of inner strengths and natural qualities of instinctive self and desires that flow from the inner spring of life itself deep within us and that find their way out through the personality as the interface serving as a channel of communication between our inner being and the outside world and people and society in general.
The ascendant in astrology is a major key and so is an essential part of a life plan in so far as times when adequate expression and further striving to achieve important personal life fulfillments are initiated and realized—as such it’s another important point where new life begins (as is each of the other three important axis points it connects with being the cusps of the 4th and 7th and 10th houses). In the case of the ascendant it’s a self-identity still, however more connected with a personal and personality maturity and communication of self, that reveals more awareness of our natural drives and purposes and uniqueness.
Note if there are any planets conjunct the ascendant as they will also show what else is important for that part of your life plan, also note what the soul and spiritual planetary rulers and where they are in the chart of the ascendant sign as well.
(For table on each signs personality, soul, and spiritual rulers see Post on P/development Astrology Themes
Part of Fortune: There are a few different symbols which represent the part or lot of fortune as it is sometimes called. Its position is derived by a formula which involves using the sun and moon and the natural planetary ruler of the sign on the ascendant wherever it is placed in the chart.
It shows our means of prospering with regards to the “where” and the “how” to prosper and utilize your fortune, in terms of joy (whatever that means for you) regarding material, and soul, and spiritual benefit and use it accordingly in conjunction as support with the other parts of your life plan and the other planets and houses of your chart.
MC: Is the highest point in the chart and denotes the cusp of the 10th house. In terms of celestial movement and nature it’s the sun at midday at its highest point. It therefore stands for a person’s reputation over the years which is often denoted by their career and public or professional achievements and lifetime work. Career at a later stage may give way to avocation which may in turn become a vocation or calling. In a more subtle sense it represents high points of the soul’s achievements. Including the MC in your life plan very much supports alignment with successes and experiences related to achievements in that area of life over the lifetime.
******** To find out more about your fortune and the other parts of your life plan and including the other planets in your chart drill down further by noting the decans (10 degree sub rulers of each sign) and duads (2.5 degree sub-sub rulers of each sign) and note the natural ruling planet of the sign the planet comes under in your chart. See tables HERE
The key elements of a life plan in the natal chart denotes the foundation blueprint while the progressed denotes the ongoing progress and way points for how your life plan progresses and takes its course and manifests in the present and future through its unfolding as per the actions and decisions you make to implement the plan in real life/time.
Where the rest of the planets are in the chart and any aspects they make with your life plan key elements should be viewed as extra energies and powers to be utilized and worked into making your life plan an actuality and hence foundation for a fulfilled and more meaningful life.
In addition take note of any prominent “fixed stars” in your chart which or if are in conjunction mainly to any of the parts of your life plan as they will add an extra dimension also to the path(s) you take related to that particular area of life.
Consider times when to make changes and re-assessments of your life plan and path. These are most notable when in the progressed chart a key element of your life plan changes sign, or enters the cusp of a new house, or makes a conjunction to another planet that links to a key element in the natal or progressed chart for example.
Full expression and utilization of these energies means the more skillful you become and adept at making your life plan a reality so will your life flourish and take you further along your life paths and journey to places of achievement quite possibly way beyond your personal goals and present situation.
If your interested in learning more about Astrology then you might want to visit my page about my course ASTROLOGY INCLUSIVE